Hi, welcome to my blog. This blog is all about kicking the habit of earning money and switching for the easier and more effective method of “Making” Money with the use of passive income streams. We are not claiming to know the get rich quick secret but using the information on this page I will show you how I and many others like me got rich slowly but surely. Over time money rolls in faster and easier with each new stream of passive income.

Friday, 27 January 2012

No Investment Passive Income

No Investment Passive Income: Why It Does Not Exist

Their are alot of myths out their that you can earn a passive income without investment. I personally have heard a heap of them but have never found one that works. To put it simply is only one way to make money, Invest. However this does not mean you have to involve money.

Most people instantly associate the work invest with money however their are other things to consider when you talk about investing. For instance you can invest time, like earning a salary or getting paid by the hour, although it may not cost anything you are still making an investment. And when it boils down to it at the end of the day you cannot be investing time to earn a passive income. As the whole point of passive income is to not requiring any effort on your part. Hence the only option left is to invest money to earn a passive income. However the great thing about this is their are alot of great ideas to begin earning a passive income with $100 or less.

Great resources and information for free!

I didn't expect myself to do anything like this, but I have recently purchased a kindle which gives me free assess to heaps of ebooks at amazon.com
You are able to rent books for free if you have a kindle account.
I of course have spent a lot of time searching through what they have to offer in regards to ebooks about investing, passive income etc and this is a short list of some of the best
P.S. If you dont have a kindle account you can still purchase the books, each of the ones I have chosen to include cost only $3.00 each

Free Money Through Passive Income
2012 your year to make a fortune
The $500 fortune
Free Money, Smart Investing

Remember these are free! There are also a large range of other books which may be worth reading but from what I have seen so far these are some of the better.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Just changed my template and added some pages. Check It out and let me know what you think.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Make Money Blogging

An Introduction To Blogging For A Profit
The concept of making money blogging has been around for quite a few years and with current economic states more and more people are pursuing this idea to make a few extra bucks on the side. Due to this thousands of new blogs are being created every day. So what does this mean for you? Successfully creating a profitable blog is not a task that can be completed in a few hours It takes months of discipline and hundreds of hours of work to monetise a blog, but the following article will put you on the right path.

Where To Start

Firstly and most importantly you need to create your blog, this is no easy task it take many long nights and tireless persistence. However it can be very rewarding if it is done right. So Begin by choosing a topic for your blog I strongly recommend a topic that interest you as it will be less of a chor to maintain and you will require less research on the topic to create your posts. From your point of view your blog is the heart of your money making stream pumping traffic through it to generate income. Take a look at the diagram below to help better understand this.

Earn A Passive Income With Blogging - Free Money
From this diagram you can see the flow of web traffic and the flow of money. Your Blog being the central hub receives traffic from; Social Media, Directories and Search Engines once traffic arrives at your bolg it is then diverted to outbound link, advertisements, affiliates or the window can simply be closed. Your goal is to divert the maximum amount of traffic to advertising or affiliates as possible as this is where the flow of cash begins.

Receiving Traffic
To start receiving traffic you firstly need to create quality content. When starting a blog you need to concentrate on the quality of your content. As I previously mentioned I recommend choosing a topic that interests you as you will already have knowledge on the topic and creating the content will be less boring for you. The next thing to concentrate on I quantity of content. I cannot stress enough the importance of not producing poor quality content just to increase the quantity, people will not return to a poor quality blog however they will also not return if it simply lacks the quantity of information they require. At the start try to aim for 60% quality and 40% Quantity, as your number of posts increase start increasing the importance on quality as they quantity will already be their. Once you have established your content then and only then should you start to consider ideas to increase your traffic.

Diverting Traffic
Once they traffic has reached your blog it needs to be diverted. Their are four places it can go, outbound links, advertisements, affiliate links or the user can simply close the window (know as terminal traffic). Outbound links are links that lead the user away from your blog, perhaps to another blog or site we need to keep these to a minimum as no money can be made form outbound links or terminal traffic. The other diversion options for the user to take are advertisements or affiliate links. Advertisement companies such as google, yahoo etc will pay for for each and every click they receive on an ad, this is where we want to divert as much traffic as we can. On the other hand they user can also be diverted using an affiliate link these links take the user to another site where you get paid a commission on any sales they make or if they sign up to they site.

Getting Paid
Once your blog has generated enough clicks on ad's to reach they payment threshold of the advertising companies you are able to withdraw it as a check or have it depositing into you paypal account.

I hope this information has been helped, Happy Blogging I will be posting a list of my favourite advertising companies next as well as a list of my favourite affiliates.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Increasing Blog Traffic to Maximise Earning

This post is aimed at those who earn a passive income from blogging or those who wish to increase their blog. When looking how to maximise blog revenue you first need to look at the quality of you blog. People need a reason to return to your blog on a regular basis, it is easier to keep existing traffic than it is to generate more.

Retain Existing Readers
I recommend that you make sure you are uploading quality post on a regular basis; you need to have your audience asking for more. Ways to achieve this may include:
· Asking questions at the ends of your post to stimulate comments
· Ending posts with hints of the topics of future post
· You may also consider using social media outlets to remind viewers to return, i.e. If they join a Facebook page that is linked to your blog they will be reminded of your existence each and every time you make a post.
· Post regularly, review your sites stats to see when you receive the most hits; this is usually the best time to post however experiment as it varies for individual blogs. You may also want to use the post scheduler to how you keep on top of this.
· Don’t talk like a reporter, use words such as I and you to create a personal connection with readers
· Reply to each and every comment, I cannot stress this one enough. People will not return if you can’t answer their questions
· Do not copy articles from other blogs, this will ruin you Search Engine Rating as algorithms are embedded SE coding to give little priority to Copy Cat sites. Not only will posting unique content not ruin your rating it will also improve it as SE’s crave new unique content. This is another reason to post regularly.
Creating New Traffic
When looking at the idea of generating new organic traffic there are many aspects to consider. Although it is often a tedious and time consuming task there are many ways to efficiently increase your new unique viewers. Follow a few of the methods below and you should see a definite increase in traffic.
·         Add your blog to various blog registers, I recommend www.bloggers.com this is a great tool for increasing your views. You should be able to get 40 votes in less than a week and see a great improvement in views.
·         Submit Your Sites to as many search engines as possible but makes sure you submit it to at least Google and Yahoo as 90% of all web traffic is directed through these sites.
·I also recommend Follow blogs with the same or a similar niche, comment on these blogs  regularly this will give you some great link backs, remember to post quality comments as nobody is going to go look at the blog who commented “great comment”. Read the post thoroughly and make a quality comment or not at all. These link backs will also improve you Search Engine Rating.
· Join Link Exchanges this is also a great way to meet other bloggers, my personal favourite is Free Viral Visitors

Using these tips you should see an almost great improvement on you views just remember quality posts are the key and the more time you put in the better the results you will see.

Good Luck and Happy Blogging

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Hi Guys, Just Signed Up to this great site a few days ago and it have dramasticly increased my trafic.
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Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Earn Money Online

I would like to stray from the topic of free money with passive income to introduce you to some of my favourite ways to earn money online. While these are technically not passive income streams they do provide a boost to your income generated over the Internet. When we look at ways to earn money online they usually involve to viewing of advertisements so this is the topic I am going to concentrate on for this post.

I'm not going to lie to you this method of earning income is usually slow and tedious however it is still income and a great way to fill in the spare time.

Below is a list of my favourite site to earn some free cash on.


The trick to earning a lot of money on Pay to Click Sites is to join multiple sites as their is usually a limit on the amount of ads you can click in a 24 hour period. At the start you usually earn between $0.01 and $0.001 per add you click on however this can quickly increase as your account activity and reputation on the sited increase. So if you can stick it through I have know a few of my friends to earn up to $45 a day in about 80 minutes just from clicking and viewing adds.

Monday, 9 January 2012

No Secrets; Simply Stratergy: The Key 2 Success

Develop Multiple Passive Income Streams to replace your Working Income; I did it and now I’ll show you how.
What I’m about to tell you is not a highly kept corporate secret, nor is it a gimmick; It is a simple yet effective strategy to make money without selling a thing. I have previously introduced you to the idea of a passive income. I am now going to show you how to take that simple idea and show you how to replace your working income by developing multiple passive income streams.
But simply because passive income requires no involvement for you directly you now earn they money from that income stream no matter what you are doing. Let’s use an eBook for an example of a passive income stream. Say you have finished writing an eBook and uploaded it to amazon or where you have. This eBook will now sit on amazon’s computer generating revenue each time one is sold no matter where you are of what you are doing. Instead of being happy with the $50 or so you are making each month for free while you return to your day job you need to turn around and think “hey what if I wrote another eBook?” Now you are earning $100 a month for free.
And there you have it as bleak as it may seem the key to being successful is to never be satisfied.Using this strategy of developing multiple passive income streams is the key to success. Of cause at first it will be hard to find the free time because you will still require your day job to support you. But stick to your guns I’m not promising it will be easy but I guarantee you it will be worth it.
When developing multiple passive income streams you need to keep in mind the idea of diversifying imagine you stuck to the eBooks and wrote a hundred books and make all of your money from eBooks and rely on it heavily now that you have quit your day job. Now think where I will get all my free money if amazon goes out of business or the server crashed.
So keep this in mind, multiply and diversify you passive income streams. I will be hard work in the beginning but think of all the free money at the end.
Good Luck

Facebook: Page Now Online

I have Now Completed My New Face Book Page: Free Money With Passive Income.
Check It Out and remember to hit the Like Button. Let Me Know What You Think.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Passive Income 101

This is a great video I found on youtube has some excellent information. Pretty much sums up my previous post in video form very easy to understand.

Next Post: No Secrets, Simply Stratergy

Hi guys,

Just letting you know my next post will be titled

No Secrets, Simply Strategy:
How You Can Earn Free Money with Passive Income
Its gunna be an exciting one, still in draft mode but i cant wiat to finalise it. Remember to follow so you will be notified as soon as its posted

NO INVESTMENT NO RISK: You’re First Passive Income Stream

Today I am going to give you a step by step guide to developing your first passive income stream. I have been talking about passive income streams for a while and showing you how you can earn free money from them but now I am going to put my money where my mouth is and show you how you too can begin to develop you very first passive income stream with a $0 setup cost and start earning free money with your very own passive income stream.

As I mentioned before passive income streams that require little to no initial investment often generate much less income than their amped up counter parts such as revenue generating assets but free money is still free money where I come from.

You need to begin by choosing a topic that you are well educated on from this you need to write a simple story or article, it doesn’t have to be long just containing enough information so that people will read it. Once you have completed this find a free web hosting provider. This can be done with a simple Google search. Simply upload you article to the site, most free web hosting sites offer a site building tool with this you can have you site up and running in less than five minutes.

Now sign up for Google check outs and pay pal if you do not already have an account. On these sites you will find a support me feature simply copy and paste these onto your new site. This allows views to make donations to you site through a trusted channel. Now all you have to do is submit your site to Google to do this simply Google site submission from their you can submit your site.

And that’s it you now have a site that people can find on Google connect to and support you if you wish. It may seem unlikely that anybody will make a deposit but remember that site will now be sitting there forever however unlikely it is bound to happen eventually and you can now create multiple sites in the same way to increase your chances of free money.

Let me know how you go, remember this is just a simple example of a passive income stream to get you started without any investment. This and eBooks is how I started off.

Good Luck

Update And Feedback: Free Money With Passive Income

Firstly I would like to thank everybody for their support on this page. As this is a relatively new blog I would also like to take the opportunity to ask everyone how they think it is going. I would greatly appreciate any recommendations as to future topics and also ask that you return to see my progress. If their are any questions that you have inregards to my blog or passive income please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank You

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Revenue Generating Assets: Where The Big Bucks Are

How to dramatically increase your passive income stream is what I have decided to talk about today. The easiest way to boost you passive income is with the help of revenue generating assets. So, what is a revenue generating assets? Simply put it is an asset that generates income for you simply because you own it. A few examples include;

·         Dividends from Share and Stocks

·         Interest from high yield accounts

·         Rental income from housing or other assets

These are just a few of the more common assets however there is practically endless options and some of the less common ones are the ones the interest me the most. A lot of people do not realise but there are a lot or revenue generating assets that require less investment than housing, shares and long term deposits and companies have been taking advantage of the for years. But the beauty is there is nothing stopping an individual like you or to from purchasing these kind of assets. They include;

·         ATM’s – you keep they service fee and these will only set you back about $5000 but you can expect to earn around $250 a week. Companies like CashCard keep it filled with money, in working order and insured and take only around 10-15% of the service fee for this convenience.

·         Vending Machines – These will set you back around $2-3k, companies like Coke-a-cola, Pepsi, Cadbury and more offer this product. They keep it full and in working order all you have to do is find a location. You can expect to see an income of around $70-$150 a week.

·         Pay Phones – Simple enough. You simply purchase a pay phone witch can be easily found with a quick Google search. You can pick up and second hand one for around $500. You then simply approach a shop owner etc. and offer a percentage of the sales to have to phone located in their business. Income varies greatly with pay phones however I would expect to see an income of at least $20 a week. This may not sound like much but remember it’s their for life and you don’t have to work for it. As well as this pay phones are rewound for holding their value especially if you brought it second hand.

These are the main passive income streams I use today. And I have found them to work great for me. Remember that these are only a handful of revenue generating assets and there are literally hundreds more. So I invite you to share some ideas in the comments of this post.

Make Money Online: The Easy Way

Today I decided to talk about making money online and how we can introduce this into your current passive income stream portfolio. When you begin to look at making money online the choices are overwhelming and who knows which ones work? With options like eBay, Google adsence, ClickPay and many more the options can be overwhelming.

First of all you have to ask yourself: “Can I make this work for me the way I want it to?” unless you are selling digital copies you will have to organise a way to automate your projects, this can be very difficult and extremely time demanding to set up. That’s why I recommend sticking to digital copies. Personally I would start off with something simple like and eBook that can easily be submitted to sites like amazon, lulu, and the iBook Store etc.  Once you have created your account these companies allow you to simply set your asking price and will then deposit the sales revenue directly into your bank account after taking out their commission. The other upside to digital copy sales is that you don’t need cumbersome assets and it is free to set up. Even if you are not the kind of person that would be able to sit down and write a book you also have the option of purchasing licencing rights to other books, this gives you the right to sell the books after paying a one off fee. I personally have purchased the rights too many books with great results. I have seen book rights going for as little as $2 right up to about 3 to 4 hundred dollars.

EBooks not for you? Try your hand at YouTube videos, online surveys, affiliate marketing (witch I will going in a few posts time because it is a very interesting and rewarding topic), Blogging or even sign up referrals.

Now let’s talk about eBay as inciting as eBay can seem it is really only useful for selling your unwanted good. This is because all the niche markets have been filled and the competition from china with our strong dollar is making it impossible to compete. This combined with the inability to completely automate a endeavour like this is near to impossible. However eBay is still a fantastic medium for making money online with the sale of digital assets and intellectual property with the help of companies like Google checkouts this operation could be completely automated and you wouldn’t have to pay commission to the eBook stores.

The Logic Of Money: Why Only Fools Work Hard

How Technology Changed The Game
Many years ago and still now (although incorrectly) it is commonly believed that you have to work hard to earn the big buck. However with recent advancements in technology, communications and business structures it has made earning money a lot easier than before. If you look at today’s billionaires it quickly becomes evident that there are only three reasons somebody can become that rich within a single life time. The more common of the two are they were simply born into money or they got lucky with a single grand idea. Unfortunately you are probably not on this blog if you fall into one of those categories and I for one was not waiting around to get lucky but thankfully there is a third reason and this is the one we are going to concentrate on because it is the only one we have any control over. As you have probably guessed it is Passive income streams.

So what are passive income streams?

Put simply a passive income stream is money we do not have to work for. Most commonly it is revenue generating asset. A good example of this is a person that owns a house and leases it, the real estate agent does all the hard work and simply deposits money into your account at the end of each month leaving us no work at all to receive this income. But once again you are probably not on this blog if you already own investment property/s, so I am going to show you a few ideas to start off with. These ideas are simple, easy and have little to no cash and time required to begin. The downside of this is that these passive income streams only produce very little revenue but the trick is to start small and gradually build your way up and grow the number of income streams until it becomes substantial.

The Link Below will take you to another page on my blog devoted entirely too passive income stream ideas and will show you how to get started as well as the costs, time and expected revenue involved.

-----Click Here-----

Recomended Passive Income Streams

Today I'm am going to share with you a few of my favourite and successful techniques to begin creating passive income streams.

When deciding on witch passive income streams to begin with you need to consider you current financial situation, how much you are willing to invest and how much you want to make. Remember it is possible to create passive income streams without having to invest any money at all but the downside to this is the revenue is often less and the amount of time to set up the income streams are often more intensive. However it is understandable that you are viewing this blog because you need more money so below are a list of idea that I begun of with and that still work for me today that require no maintenance and offer a steady although small stream of revenue. When starting out remember you need to start small. the key is lots of small streams the generate wealth for as long as they remain active.

  • Write an Ebook
  • High yield investment account (also know as long term deposit)
  • Dividends from shares
  • Renting Vending Machines
  • Royalties from intellectual property
These are just a few of the Income streams I begun with but their are literally endless ideas one of the most common passive income streams today is housing rentals and this is what the majority of my income is produced by today, this option is great because it can also be used in conjunction with negative gearing as well as the property value increasing with the housing marked.

In the next post I will talk more about how to begin building you passive income streams and any cost involved as well as running them as a business and tax obligations involved.

For now I would like to invite you to comment and for the passive income earners among you to suggest any passive income ideas that you might like to share.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

What Is Passive Income?

So, to get us started: What is passive income and how do I create a passive income stream. Well quite simply all personal income and be broken down into passive income and active income. Active income is money you earn, for instance your current job. Where you are trading you time for money.  Ever heard the term “time is money”, this is the major flaw in active income because at the end of the day we have limited time and therefore limited money. But we can change all this by implementing the art of passive income. Put simply passive income is income that we do not have to keep working for to gain income after a small amount of set up work. For instance some more common examples of this are;

·         Authors and Musicians receiving royalties long after they finished writing the book.

·         Dividends from Shares

·         Interest from a savings account

Basically Passive income is Free Money we do not have to continue working for and although the income might not be as much as you could earn from an active income stream the possibilities are endless and even if you are only earning $1 a day from your passive income there is no limit t the amount of income streams you can have because you don’t have to do any work to maintain them except cash your cheques at the end of each month.


Hi, first of all I would I like to welcome you to my new blog. Being my first post I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little about me. My name is Jacob and i am currently 20 years old. I have been interested in personal finance for a long time and am currently working toward completing a bachelor of Commerce. I first came across the concept of passive income streams a few years back and was completely fascinated by the idea so I looked into it at more depth. It has been proven to be highly successfully in the business world, we have all heard of franchises and chain stores these have been around for a long time in the corporate world and are a great success story in regards to the effectiveness of passive income. In this blog i wish to share with you exactly how income streams work for these large chain store conglomerates and how we can use that knowledge to set up passive income streams to build your personal wealth with very little investment in both time and money.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in my blog and hope that I can help you understand a little bit more about passive income streams and how you can make them work for you.