When deciding on witch passive income streams to begin with you need to consider you current financial situation, how much you are willing to invest and how much you want to make. Remember it is possible to create passive income streams without having to invest any money at all but the downside to this is the revenue is often less and the amount of time to set up the income streams are often more intensive. However it is understandable that you are viewing this blog because you need more money so below are a list of idea that I begun of with and that still work for me today that require no maintenance and offer a steady although small stream of revenue. When starting out remember you need to start small. the key is lots of small streams the generate wealth for as long as they remain active.
- Write an Ebook
- High yield investment account (also know as long term deposit)
- Dividends from shares
- Renting Vending Machines
- Royalties from intellectual property
In the next post I will talk more about how to begin building you passive income streams and any cost involved as well as running them as a business and tax obligations involved.
For now I would like to invite you to comment and for the passive income earners among you to suggest any passive income ideas that you might like to share.
Passive income is attractive because it frees you to spend your time on the things you actually enjoy.
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